Academic literature on the topic 'Ifa (Religion)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Ifa (Religion)"
Chirila, Alexander. "The River That Crosses an Ocean: Ifa/Orisha in the Global Spiritual Marketplace." Qualitative Sociology Review 10, no. 4 (October 31, 2014): 116–51.
Full textFelipe-Dimog, Eva Belingon, Chia-Hung Yu, Chung-Han Ho, and Fu-Wen Liang. "Factors Influencing the Compliance of Pregnant Women with Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation in the Philippines: 2017 Philippine Demographic and Health Survey Analysis." Nutrients 13, no. 9 (August 31, 2021): 3060.
Full textBhatt, Laxman Datt, Laxmi Pal, Shankar Singh Dhami, and Kanchan Thapa. "Compliance of Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation among Postpartum Urban Mothers of Kathmandu Valley." Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society 41, no. 2 (November 3, 2021): 154–61.
Full textOfuasia, Emmanuel. "“Who/What Neglected the Monotheism?”: A Panentheistic Rejoinder to Thaddeus Metz and Motsamai Molefe on African Traditional Religion." Philosophia Africana 21, no. 2 (December 2022): 78–99.
Full textPeel, J. D. Y. "The pastor and the babalawo: the interaction of religions in nineteenth-century Yorubaland." Africa 60, no. 3 (July 1990): 338–69.
Full textLove, Velma. "Casting the Sacred Reading the Self." Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts 4, no. 2 (November 12, 2010): 217–27.
Full textFrancis Ademola, Sanda. "Art in the Service of Religion: A Study of Selected Carvers of Ifa Sculptures and Objects in South-Western Nigeria." International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications 3, no. 4 (2017): 53.
Full textOuédraogo, Césaire, Sunny Kim, Rock Zagre, Rasmané Ganaba, Maurice Zafimanjaka, Ramatou Sawadogo, Roland Combassere, and Purnima Menon. "Missed Opportunities for Maternal Nutrition Interventions During Antenatal Care Visits Persist in Burkina Faso." Current Developments in Nutrition 4, Supplement_2 (May 29, 2020): 1055.
Full textDah, Isaac, Rodrigue Simonet Poueme Namegni, Mohamed Moctar Mouiche Mouliom, Simon Dickmu Jumbo, Ranyl Nguena Guefack Noumedem, Isabelle Conclois, Liegeois Florian, et al. "Prevalence and public health significance of rabies virus in bats in the North Region of Cameroon." PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 17, no. 10 (October 23, 2023): e0010803.
Full textPuri, Dipali C., Milind M. Rasal, and Purushottam A. Giri. "A cross sectional study to assess anemia & its determinants among pregnant women in a rural area of Maharashtra." Indian Journal of Community Health 36, no. 1 (February 29, 2024): 114–20.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ifa (Religion)"
Ogunnaike, Oludamini. "Sufism and Ifa: Ways of Knowing in Two West African Intellectual Traditions." Thesis, Harvard University, 2015.
Full textAfrican and African American Studies
Silva, Sebastião Fernando da. "A FILOSOFIA DE ÒRÚNMÌLÀ-IFÁ E A FORMAÇÃO DO BOM CARÁTER." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, 2015. http://localhost:8080/tede/handle/tede/897.
Full textThis theoretical and bibliographical research aims to describe the Cult of Òrúnmìlà- Ifa, which originated from West Africa, especially from Nigeria, Benin and surrounding countries, also being practiced in Brazil. Therefore, we sought to understand the yoruba culture, a little of its history and characteristics. For understanding the Òrúnmìlà-Ifa philosophy is critical to apply the interpretive analysis of the Yoruba´s worldview. The worldview of this people is based on a hierarchically structured system from a Supreme Being, called Olodumare, arch-deities, ancestors, natural phenomena and Orisa. It´s holy city, Ilé-Ife, is considered by the Yoruba as the origin of mankind. The Yorubas perform various ceremonies and rites of passage to iniciate people in Òrúnmìlà-Ifa, one arch-divinity, a spirit, an adviser of Olodumare, with transit between heaven and earth, responsible for organizing and ordering the world´s pathaways of the good and peace, creating then a cult with his name. It is noteworthy the ancestry cult, being the ancestor a person or entity revered for his-hers virtues and ethical and moral teachings. The Yoruba respect and obey the elders, whose values are orally passed from generation to generation, forming an model of principles meant to shape the formation of good character (Ìwàpèlè), peace, peaceful coexistence and respect for others, animals and nature. With the Africans diaspora, the Cult of Òrúnmìlà-Ifa (and others) had been spread to several countries, including Brazil. The Cult of Òrúnmìlà-Ifa has its own philosophy that leads people to form self-awareness and driving the social and religious life of the community.
Esta pesquisa de cunho teórico-bibliográfico tem por objetivo descrever o Culto de Òrúnmìlà-Ifá, que é originário da África Ocidental, especialmente da Nigéria, Benin e países circunvizinhos, sendo também praticado no Brasil. Para tanto, buscou-se entender a cultura yorubana, um pouco da sua história e características. Para a compreensão da Filosofia de Òrúnmìlà-Ifá é fundamental a análise interpretativa da cosmovisão dos Yorùba. A cosmogonia desse povo constitui-se de um sistema estruturado hierarquicamente a partir de um Ser Supremo, denominado Òlódùmarè, arqui-divindades, ancestrais, fenômenos da natureza e orisá. A sua cidade sagrada, Ilé-Ifé, é considerada pelos Yorùba como a origem da humanidade. Eles realizam cerimônias diversas e ritos de passagem para formarem iniciados em Òrúnmìlà-Ifá, uma arqui-divindade, um espírito, um conselheiro de Òlódùmarè, com trânsito entre o céu e a terra, encarregado de organizar e ordenar o mundo nos caminhos do bem e da paz, criando-se então um culto com o seu nome. Destaca-se nessa cultura a ancestralidade, sendo o ancestral uma pessoa ou entidade reverenciada por suas virtudes e ensinamentos éticos e morais. Os Yorùba respeitam e obedecem aos anciães, cujos valores são passados, oralmente, de geração em geração, formando um ideário de princípios voltados para a formação do bom caráter (Ìwàpèlè), da paz, da convivência harmoniosa e de respeito ao outro, aos animais e à natureza. Com a diáspora dos africanos, o Culto de Òrúnmìlà-Ifá (e outros) foi difundido por diversos países, inclusive o Brasil. O Culto de Òrúnmìlà-Ifá apresenta uma filosofia própria, que leva as pessoas a formarem a consciência de si e que dirige a vida social e religiosa da comunidade.
Fitzpatrick, Liseli A. "Sexuality Through the Eyes of the Orisa: An Exploration of Ifa/Orisa and Sacred Sexualities inTrinidad and Tobago." The Ohio State University, 2018.
Full textKonen, Alain. "La mécanique des secrets d'Ifa : compétences et savoir-faire des babalawo dans un rituel divinatoire cubain à La Havane." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2006.
Full textVan, Der Meer Tony. "Spiritual Journeys: A Study of Ifá /Òrìṣà Practitioners in the United States Initiated by Nigeria." Antioch University / OhioLINK, 2017.
Full textDelgado, Dara S. "Life, Liberty, and the Practicality of Holiness: A Social Historical Examination of the Life and Work of Ida Bell Robinson." University of Dayton / OhioLINK, 2019.
Full textBachir, Bacha Aïcha, and Daniel Llanos. "Toward a conceptualization of a paracas urbanism in ánimas altas / ánimas bajas (Ica Valley)?" Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015.
Full textDesde 2009, en el marco del Programa Arqueológico Ánimas Altas, Ica, Perú, bajo la dirección de los autores, se realizan exca-vaciones sistemáticas en el complejo arqueológico Ánimas Altas/Ánimas Bajas, principal establecimiento paracas en el valle bajode Ica. Hasta la fecha, se han documentado áreas público-ceremoniales, y otras de carácter doméstico y/o de producción. Además,las excavaciones han revelado secciones de complejos piramidales contiguos a plazas, una pequeña pirámide que albergaba unatumba de élite asociada a un friso mural y vestigios de viviendas y áreas de almacenaje.En el presente artículo, sobre la base de los datos proporcionados por las recientes excavaciones, intentamos aproximarnos al tipo de establecimiento que habría sido Ánimas. Se enfatizan los análisis de la cultura material para alimentar la reflexión sobre la noción de la ciudad y del territorio en los Andes, y enriquecer la problemática del urbanismo prehispánico, tema muy debatido en el Perú. Asimismo, se explora el significado de la heterogeneidad estilística y tecnológica de algunos aspectos de la cultura material dentro una perspectiva de dinámicas sociales y territoriales, en lugar de considerarla automáticamente como una manifestación dentro una perspectiva de dinámicde evolución estilística diacrónica.
Brusi, Fredrik. "In Search of a Lost Paradigm : A Case Study Approach to Retracing Traditionalist Influence in the Fatwas of Ali Goma, Grand Mufti of Egypt." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Avdelningen för mellanösternstudier, 2012.
Full textAvalos, Saravia Walter Antonio, and Palacios Carlos David Garcia. "Vivencia del sacramento de la penitencia, en los estudiantes de cuarto y quinto de secundaria, de la I.E. Julio C. Tello, Ica-2018." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, 2019.
Full textBooks on the topic "Ifa (Religion)"
Emanuel, Abosede. Ọdun-Ifa =: Ifa festival. Lagos: West African Book Publishers, 2000.
Find full textJohn, Neimark Philip, ed. The sacred Ifa oracle. [San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco, 1995.
Find full textJohn, Neimark Philip, ed. The sacred Ifa oracle. 2nd ed. Brooklyn, NY: Athelia Henrietta Press, 1995.
Find full textFama. Sixteen mythological stories of Ifá: Itàn Ifá Mẹ́rìndínlógún. San Bernardino, Calif: Ilé Ọrúnmilà Communications, 1994.
Find full textAmherd, K. Noel. Reciting Ifa: Difference, heterogeneity, and identity. Trenton, N.J: Africa World Press, 2009.
Find full textAmherd, K. Noel. Reciting Ifa: Difference, heterogeneity, and identity. Trenton, N.J: Africa World Press, 2009.
Find full textAmherd, K. Noel. Reciting Ifa: Difference, heterogeneity, and identity. Trenton, N.J: Africa World Press, 2009.
Find full textAmherd, K. Noel. Reciting Ifa: Difference, heterogeneity, and identity. Trenton, N.J: Africa World Press, 2009.
Find full textAróstegui, Natalia Bolívar. Ifá: Su historia en Cuba. Ciudad de La Habana: Ediciones Unión, 1996.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Ifa (Religion)"
Gbadegesin, Segun. "Ifa, Divination System of." In Encyclopedia of African Religions and Philosophy, 305–8. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2021.
Full textBlier, Suzanne Preston. "Religion and Art in Ile-Ife." In The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to African Religions, 399–416. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012.
Full textGhaly, Mohammed. "Constructing a Comprehensive Discourse." In Islamic Ethics and Incidental Findings, 13–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.
Full textSalami, L. Oladipo. "4. Ifa, the Word and the Virtual World: A Study of the Perceptions of and Attitudes toward Ifa Religious Tradition on the Internet." In Faith and Language Practices in Digital Spaces, edited by Andrey Rosowsky, 71–90. Bristol, Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters, 2017.
Full textOlupona, Jacob K. "AWO – The Nature and Essence of Secrecy in Yorùbá Religious Traditions: Conversations with IFÁ Diviners 1." In The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Secrecy, 199–210. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textTausch, Arno. "Introduction: What This Study Is Not and What It Aspires to Be." In Political Islam and Religiously Motivated Political Extremism, 1–5. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textSmith, The Reverend Joseph, and Patricia Gregory. "IFCA International Christians." In Religion. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, 2012.
Full textViroli, Maurizio. "Republican Religion and Religious Reform." In As If God Existed, translated by Alberto Nones. Princeton University Press, 2012.
Full text"6. Republican Religion and Religious Reform." In As If God Existed, 45–51. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012.
Full textViroli, Maurizio. "A Religion That Instills Hope." In As If God Existed, translated by Alberto Nones. Princeton University Press, 2012.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Ifa (Religion)"
Lyausheva, Svetlana, Irina Karabulatova, Svetlana Galiullina, Nadezhda Ilyinova, Svetlana Shalagina, Ruslan Vildanov, and Ahmad Sami Anvar Asodani. "“Religious Renaissance” and the politicization of religion as a factor in the power of modern geopolitical governance." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Man-Power-Law-Governance: Interdisciplinary Approaches (MPLG-IA 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.
Full textSu Gul, Zuhre, and Mehmet Caliskan. "Acoustical design of Turkish Religious Affairs Mosque." In ICA 2013 Montreal. ASA, 2013.
Full text"Philosophical and Religious Implications of Extraterrestrial Life." In 55th International Astronautical Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, the International Academy of Astronautics, and the International Institute of Space Law. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2004.
Full textPrieto Aguaza, Alberto. "Juan Rulfo: Fotografía, literatura y música. Experiencias y propuestas pedagógicas." In I Congreso Internacional sobre Fotografia: Nuevas propuestas en Investigacion y Docencia de la Fotografia. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.
Full textReports on the topic "Ifa (Religion)"
Smith, Chloe, Hasnan Bachtiar, Kainat Shakil, Nicholas Morieson, and Susan de Groot Heupner. Appealing to a Religiously Defined ‘the People’: How Religion Was Performatively Operationalised in the 2019 and 2024 Election Campaigns of Indonesia’s President-Elect. European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS), April 2024.
Full textYilmaz, Ihsan, and Kainat Shakil. Religious Populism and Vigilantism: The Case of the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan. European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS), January 2022.
Full textGallien, Max, Umair Javed, and Vanessa van den Boogaard. Between God, the People, and the State: Citizen Conceptions of Zakat. Institute of Development Studies, May 2023.
Full textJeffery-Schwikkard, David, Timothy Lomas, Phalasha Nagpal, Ellen Morgan, and Junying Li. A systematic review of the empirical literature on character development in individuals in low- and middle-income countries. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, October 2022.
Full textVuksanovic, Vuk. The Spillover Effect: The Gaza Conflict and Potential Ramifications to the Western Balkans. Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP), January 2024.
Full textKennedy, Marie, Aisha Conner-Gaten, Jamie Hazlitt, Javier Garibay, and Marisa Ramirez. Assessing the Diversity of the E-collection of the William H. Hannon Library; a Phased Project. William H. Hannon Library, 2018.
Full textRacu, Alexandru. The Romanian Orthodox Church and Its Attitude towards the Public Health Measures Imposed during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Too Much for Some, Too Little for Others. Analogia 17 (2023), March 2023.
Full textVuksanović, Vuk. Between Emotions and Realism: Two Faces of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Balkans. Belgrade Centre for Security Policy, June 2023.
Full textBano, Masooda, and Daniel Dyonisius. Community-Responsive Education Policies and the Question of Optimality: Decentralisation and District-Level Variation in Policy Adoption and Implementation in Indonesia. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), August 2022.
Full textGherman, Iulia, Victoria Cohen, Daniel Lloyd, Wioleta Trzaska, Niall Grieve, Johanna Jackson, Elaine Pegg, and Anthony Wilson. Risk of campylobacteriosis from low-throughput poultry slaughterhouses. Food Standards Agency, July 2023.
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